ARM Cortex M3, Programming

I am studying a course in university name Microprocessor system. We are using ARM Cortex M3 and evaluation board is TM4C123. This is nice board that can be programmed like Arduino using a software named Energia or as any other common ARM code editor like keil code composer. Here I'll share all the codes and other we will cover. Here is list of some materials.


  1.     J. Valvano, Introduction to Embedded Systems: Introduction to ARM CORTEX-M  Microcontrollers, 3rd ed., December 2012.

  1. 1. J. Yiu, The Definitive Guide to the ARM® Cortex-M3, 2nd edition, 2010.
  2. 2. ARM®v7-M Architecture Reference Manual


Tiva™ C Series LaunchPad Evaluation Kit

Basic Documentations:

Setting board for Programming:

  1. Install window drivers (for window users)
  2. Either Install Keil or any other code editor or like code composer studio for ARM style programmingOr
    You can also install Energia for Arduino like programming.
  3. For further information
  4. After connecting usb pin to upper side port on board, switch button nearby to connect it to PC.

Basic Prep for Programming using keil:

Here we are going to start programming using KEIL.
  • Here is how to use KEIL
    PDF Download
  • This is header file of TM4C123 for c programming. It contains addresses of all the ports and other basic things. You can either place it in the folder where main.c is residing and just add it using #include "tm4c123gh6pm.h". Or you can also include it with address of where it is saved. Like #include "C/newfolder/tm4c123gh6pm.h"
  • Startup.s file is also necessary for this board. Other boards might not need these files as they will be automatically be added while selecting board but our specific board needed to add it mannualy so here is link download

    After doing all this, something like this appears..

    Now all set for programming.

Basic Prep for programming using Energia

  • Start Energia, here you don't need any file, every thing is already configured. Just select board...
  • And select port to which board is connected. Tools<Serial Port
  • Here there is are couple of examples, you can start playing

  • Now you can compile and send it to burn simply by a button
  • Some codes by myself
    My source codes

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