Proposal for The Solar Cell in IEEEP

This Saturday,  I had a meeting with Voice President Engr. Suleman Najib Khan of  IEEEP and other prestigious members including Engr Shahid Asalm (NESPAK) and some others. I presented them this document for the proposal of Solar Cell in IEEEP.


In our last meeting of IEEEP held at Lahore Office, it was decided to take the idea of The Solar Cell to the real level. Several options were considered and it was concluded that solar  has a great potential and it is future of Pakistan. Among the renewable, it is most suitable for the country especially for off-grid distributed generation applications for smaller customers as of its ease of installation and lower costs. But it was noticed that Pakistanis don't have required literacy about this important renewable resource and they are still being robbed by amateur dealers. So IEEEP decided to step forward and start a cell  both for literacy of solar and Design of small systems. It was decided that This solar cell will not only propagate knowledge about solar but also it will also help people design and install durable solar systems. In the light of the meeting, following is the proposal of our roadmap.

[The Solar Cell]

The Solar Cell will work under IEEEP and it will have following priorities. 
  • To literate people about solar with common, layman language.
  • Help people design robust and durable solar system for their homes.
  • Survey Local markets for solar related products and make a general list of equipment that is available locally.
  • Survey requirement of people and try to do make cell activities as people friendly as possible.


It is one of the most important things that we should realize people about the potential and benefits of using renewable energy resources. Environmental issues and load-shedding are two most crucial issues for our country and both have sub-solution via using distributed, home scale, environment-friendly renewable energy resources. This can only happen if we literate people about these resources and their long-term impacts as well as short term benefits. It is also necessary to educate them in easy layman language. So following are some steps that can be taken to do this.
  • Making a website dedicated for The Solar cell. It could be a sub-domain of already available IEEEP site. 
  • The website will contain all the literature in both Urdu and English Languages.
  • Literature will include both technical things like how to install, basics of solar etc and why to use solar and how will it impact long term.
  • A news section will have important news of solar from all over the world. This may contain links to the news from different websites and also some from the cell.


One of the major problem faced by common Pakistanis is lack of  professionals that can educate them the real situation of solar. This void can be filled with a solar cell consisting of experienced and young blood eager to work in the field. Following are some points to highlight it.
  • Solar Cell will first design a template that will be used further for specific designs of systems required for people.
  • The team will design both DC and AC system design templates.
  • It will also design a simple pre-design template that will help people decide what type of system they want. This template may contain a calculated guess of expenses and output. Kind of a requirement document.
  • All the designs will be supervised by experts. 
  • The team will be divided into sub-categories according to work.
  • All the design will use local equipment easily available.


Surveys of both local markets for available equipment and installed system will be done on regularly basis as they are necessary to get a know how of what is going on and also to update yourself. These surveys will be arranged by prestigious members of IEEEP