Anroid phone Buttons Dilema

I have a anroid phone, HTC X one. Its very nice mobile and working nice for me. It have 3 physical buttons on the bottom.
These buttons suddenly stopped working. It was very disturbing, i had no choice but to leave the mobile. But I decided to give a shot  before throwing it to bin. I searched google and I found out that this is very common problem in HTC X One and some other anroid mobiles. Google purposed a design which eliminates these type of buttons but it was not accepted. Anyway, it was mentioned that you can replace its touch, if you have working warranty. But my mobile's warranty was expired. So now solution was to go to some tech and let him do his work. But I was not ready. It was expensive and problematic. So instead i decided to get some virtual solution. I studied some of the replies given on the forums and found something really intresting. It is a app called "button savior". 

You can download it from play store and a button like bar will be visible either on top, bottom,left or right.
Normally a small arrow will be shown on your screen. When you touch it this bar will be visible so you avoid its interference. Although its not as comforting and as nice as real button but still it can help you a lot.
You can download it from here...

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