Better Back Up Your Work

Losing your data and starting again from point blank in a new hard disk or Laptop. If you use your laptop to save your important data, you may have came across this problem a couple of times. In fact a lot of people, including my self have face this problem in one way or the other. Reasons are different, may be your hard disk blown up or your laptop was stolen or something else but end result is same, a lot of tension and doing again all the work you have done already . Also starting from point blank where you don't have anything you used to help yourself is itself a big problem, isn't it?
Losing your data means all those hours you have spend working on a project or thesis or probably on an office assignment has gone into waste. And also all your important files from pervious assignments or your books or your collection of movies are just gone. You have to do that all again.
In cause of movies or some publicly available data, you may be able to download it but what if it is your thesis or your research work or anything that is private? It means you have lost it and you will have to do it again.
A famous post  that hits the social media  last days with a lot of people sympathizing  with the victim also state a similar problem. Apparently some woman scholar from Punjab University lost her five years of research 'cause of her laptop misplacing.
Now the question is what is solution of this sort of problems? You have to backup your data in order to avoid these kind of incidents. There are actually two ways you can backup your data. Either use a cloud service like Google Drive  or buy an extra portable hard disk often called passport and backup your data regularly.

Cloud services like Google Drive:

Google drive is a cloud service provided by google. It offers 15 Gbs of free storage and you can but unto tera bytes of storage for external use as well. There are two options to back up your data, either using manually uploading or using google drive software. Later is rather an efficient way of backing up your data as it automatically backs up all the files that are in a spefic folder. There are couple of other cloud services as well that can be used to do that. For further details about google drive..

Portable Hard Drive or Passport:

This is a better option if you are not connected with internet  most of the time or if you have slow internet connection. Portable hard drive is available in market for up to eight thousand rupees. Or you can also shop it online from Amazon or some other local online store like



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  2. Better back up your work to avoid any data loss and ensure peace of mind. Just like relying on Razorhost guarantees your website's stability and security, having a solid backup plan is crucial for all your projects.


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