Anroid phone Buttons Dilema

I have a anroid phone, HTC X one. Its very nice mobile and working nice for me. It have 3 physical buttons on the bottom.

Visit of Saritow Spinning Mills Ltd's Power Plant

Visit of Saritow Textile Mills Ltd Power Plant 
Pakistan is facing worst blackouts of the history due to a large difference of production and consumption of power. They are becoming more and more worse with time. These blackouts are specially affecting industries so a lot of industries are installing their own small scale gas or oil fired power plants to meet their energy needs. Although this adds extra cost to purchase and maintain their own plants but still severe black outs encourages and even small industrialists are making their own power plants.
Saritow Spinning Mills Ltd Lahore also has their own 10 MW power plant. Last day I visited this power plant and observe synchronization of plant with WAPDA supply. Here I going to write whatever I have seen.